hospromatch.com the interactive online recruitment platform created by long term hospitality veteran Dino Van Eeckhaut, based on his 30 + years of International experience .

Relying on his extensive know how and worldwide network with only one goal, to optimize the process of searching and hiring , while facilitating hospitality talents and employers/recruiters by matching them through its powerful search engine.

A word from the founder...


Dear Colleagues, Recruiters, Employers and Hospitality Talents ,

During my more than 30 years career in the hospitality industry, you may imagine that I have encountered a fair number of challenges along the way...

One of the main challenges, no matter the region I was working in (Europe, Africa or in the Middle East), was selecting the most suitable candidate matching the job requirements.

This being said, I strongly believe to know by experience what it takes in terms of time, research, selection, interview rounds and finally in terms of the decision making and hiring processes, to find and select the right candidate.

Today our industry is extremely fast paced and marked by rapid growth, continuing trends of mergers & acquisitions, fast changes in the commercial and business landscapes, tightening competition in emerging markets...the list is long. More than ever, time is money, and of the essence.

Searching, selecting and hiring the right talent for the right job at the right time at the right place is more than ever a crucial task for your operational efficiency. Yet it is also very time consuming and does in no way guarantee that the most competitive talent is selected in the process.  

In our industry Hotel Companies or any type of business unit should never forget that its employees are still its main asset, structural backbone and key to sustainable success.

It is with this in mind that we have created HosProMatch.com , designed to facilitate the task of Human Resources by providing the relevant support and assistance in an efficient, fast and cost sensitive manner. At HosProMatch.com, we are committed to providing employers and or recruiters with the perfect matches to their search in just a few clicks and to matching hospitality talents with the best employer and dream job.

Dear colleagues, thank you for joining and we wish you lots of pleasure in hiring your future talents or finding your ideal company and your dream job through our support and assistance.

With warm and personal regards

Dino Van Eeckhaut
Founder - CEO